I'm Looking For A Book To: Help Me Pray Everyday

We all know that prayer is important, but it can be really difficult to pray every day. 

One of the easiest traps to fall into when trying to start this habit is thinking “well, if I can’t pray perfectly, I won’t pray at all.” Even though it’s easy to get discouraged, the most important thing is that we keep trying to develop our prayer lives.  Even when we fail, we have to pick ourselves up  and persevere. 

 Jacques Philippe, one of our favorite authors, writes, “Someone who sets out on a life of prayer should aim in the first place at fidelity. What matters is not whether our mental prayer is beautiful, or whether it works, or whether it is enriched by deep thoughts and feelings, but whether it is persevering and faithful. Our first concern, if I may put it that way, should be faithfulness in praying, not the quality of our prayer.”

Some really great titles to help you pray everyday:

Time for God by Jacques Philippe 

This book is a really great place to start if you’re looking for a book to encourage you in your prayer life and spend quality time with the Lord.  Jacques Philippe’s writing is simple and straightforward, but rich in meaning.  If you want to learn how to do mental prayer, this book is for you! 

Life in God’s Presence by a Carthusian Monk

This book focuses on the practical ways to keep God at the center of your day.  The author shares how bringing Jesus into the little moments of each day can truly lead to a virtuous, fruitful life.  This is a must read for anyone looking for inspiration and practical help in their spiritual journey!

The Friendship of Christ: Exploring the Humanity of Jesus Christ by Robert Hugh Benson

For someone looking to learn more about Jesus in order to get closer to him, this is the book for you! This book is both historical and spiritual, offering a closer look at Jesus as human and as a dear friend. 

Prayer takes practice, patience, and perseverance.  We hope that these resources are a helpful jumping off point for you in your quest to a more consistent prayer life.  For more books on prayer, check out our Interior Life Collection.